Weekly announcements and what's on... - Whats On... - Music in The Mearns - Glasgow Close Knit - Mearns Kirk Pop Up Shop - Cafe Warm - BB Coffee Morning - Life and Work - 79th Glasgow Company Boys' Brigade - Facebook
Sunday Worship Services - Sunday - Communion - Special Services Other Services - Baptisms / Christenings - Weddings - Funerals Order of Service Creche Kids@thecross Discussion Group
Organisations for Adults - Badminton - Broadway Boogie with Jen - Core Glow Dru Yoga - Get Dancing - Dogs Trust - East Renfrewshire U3A - Pilates LA Physiotherapy - Lesley Smith Adult Art Class - MS Wellness and Aesthetics - MS Fitness - Move It or Lose It - Resistance Band Class - Singing for the Brain - Sweaty Mama - Tai Chi - The Guild - Voice of Peace Art - Yoga with Hilary - Yoga with Lizzie Menopause Yoga